Monstera Standyleyana Green

Monstera Standyleyana Green

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The height and spread of the plant are all varying and depend on space. At a terrestrial in-door pot, the plant remains around 3 to 5 feet. Width approximately 3 feet. The plant can be an upright climber.

Exposure: Bright indirect sun
Water: The simple way for watering is to water liberally and letting the dirt get slightly dry between your intervals, they do not want to be overwatered. Any standing water at the base will result in root rot as well as similar issues such as yellow and limp foliage.
Soil: Monsteras generally like light and free-draining soil. The perfect PH is between 5 to 7.5.
Fertilizer: Diluted fertilizer is acceptable for monthly use in summer and spring.
Stop pruning the plant after the autumn arrives.
Humidity Monstera Requirement: Monsteras love humidity. On dry days, you can increase the moisture level by misting. Use measures like adding a pebble-water tray and a humidifier across the monstera standleyana.