Grow!t Clay Pebbles 25L

Grow!t Clay Pebbles 25L

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Clay pellets have a honeycomb-like structure with numerous air pockets, making them lightweight and highly porous. The porous nature of clay pellets allows for excellent aeration and drainage, promoting healthy root development and preventing overwatering.

  • Hydroponic Growing Medium: In hydroponic systems, where plants grow without soil, clay pellets serve as an inert medium that supports the plant's roots. The pellets anchor the plants in place while allowing the roots to access water and nutrients. They provide a stable environment for the roots to grow and help prevent root rot by allowing excess water to drain away.
  • Aquaponic Systems: Clay pellets are also used in aquaponic systems, which combine hydroponics with aquaculture (fish farming). In this setup, fish waste provides nutrients for the plants, and the clay pellets act as the medium for the plants to grow. The plants absorb the nutrients from the fish waste, cleaning the water for the fish in a symbiotic relationship.
  • Potting Mix Amendment: Clay pellets can be mixed into traditional potting soil or other growing media to improve aeration and drainage. When added to regular soil, they enhance its structure, making it more suitable for container gardening and preventing soil compaction.
  • Seed Germination: Clay pellets can also be used for seed starting. Placing seeds in the pellets helps maintain the right amount of moisture around the seeds, promoting successful germination. Once the seedlings have grown strong roots, they can be transplanted into larger containers or hydroponic systems.